Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Where the hell is my watch!?

Last night, in preparation of my friend Cindy coming to spend the rest of the week with me in Tokyo from Osaka, I started tidying things up and doing whatever I could to make sure I woke up in time to meet her in the lobby. One of those things was take my watch off and put it on the floor next to the bed (It's a bunk, so super low) right next to the remote. Then I showered and took a bath, in the Japanese-style bath so I was sitting down, and relaxing in the hot water as one does in such a bath, when it felt like someone put their hand on my head. It gave me the creeps, needless to say. I'm not really a believer in such things, (anything really), but when you feel like you're being touched, it's super fucking weird. It's after 3:30am right now, because I've woken up due to my anxiety about waking up on time without a reliable alarm, only to try and feel around for my watch beside me, except it's no where to be found. I thought I might have pushed it under the bed looking for the remote, but I can clearly see all the way to the wall under the bunk and it's empty. I don't have pockets in my pajamas and the watch isn't in the bed with me. It's a small room, there are only so many places it could be and I've checked them all! What the hell, where is my god damned watch!? Tripping balls.

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