Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Convenience Store-Style Onigiri

When I go to Japan, I always eat onigiri from the convenience stores, but I'm really picky so there are only a few varieties that I'll actually eat. Most stores have the same types, but some have a few that might only be available in that store. My all-time favourite onigiri is wafuu tuna mayo, Japanese-style tuna mayo. The rice itself is flavoured with dashi soup stock, and the inside is like the filling you'd have in a tuna sandwich, only with a sweetish soy sauce flavor added. The best one I've had so far, comes from 7-11s all over Japan. Also, unlike on a regular onigiri, the seaweed is already stuck onto the rice, so it's not crispy, but the flavor of it blends very well with the rice and is majidelicious.

Here's a recipe for it I found on!

It is all in Japanese, but if anyone is interested in making it, I can post a translation for you :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Yesterday, KAT-TUN's new PV for TO THE LIMIT came out! And I'm actually impressed it's not just dancing pretty boys this time, but something different and more interesting! Let me just say, Ueda Tatsuya shaving his head was the best thing for him. It was like he's been completely reinvented from the super girly boy he used to be, and now he's a real ikemen. The wind tunnel hair and earring killed me, 'cause now he's a straight-up knock-out. Wow.

Watch it here @TokyoHive!

Monday, June 11, 2012

KAT-TUN's New Single PV

As reported by, KAT-TUN will be releasing a new single, "TO THE LIMIT" on June 27! Excited!
They've also released a teaser for the single's new video, which can be watched here, on Tokyo Hive's website.

I've watched it, and it looks amazing, and obviously different from KAT-TUN's usual boy-band style music videos, as this one actually seems to have a story line, with lots of action scenes! Everyone's looking beautiful as usual, but wow, Ueda's looking better than ever. I was sad when he had to shave his head for the drama he was in recently, but he was cute with super short hair, and the way it has grown back is cute too. If you get a chance, follow that link and watch Runaway. I haven't finished it yet, but it's been really good.

Other dramas I've been kind of following lately are Ataru and Cleopatrana Onnatachi, both I've really liked so far. Check them out on if you're interested, as they are both new, and I believe currently-airing dramas!

Which J-dramas, if any are your favourites, and what have you been watching lately? Let me know in the comments :D

Monday, June 4, 2012

Cold Udon Recipe (NaitoKo's Way)

The warm weather shall soon be upon us!! Well, it is for some people, but the world knows how Canada is...Less than warm at times, and also slow to get on the summer bandwagon. Anyways, summer weather calls for summer foods, and one of my favourites is cold udon/soba. In a restaurant or nicer setting, such a dish would be served on a bamboo at called a zaru, but if you want to make it at home, who needs it?

Here's my recipe for cold summer udon!

You will need:
Japanese soy sauce, about 3 tbs
Mirin, also about 3tbs
Dashi (Konbu or Katsuo flavours), about 1 1/2 cup
A package of udon, frozen or dry
Green onions, chopped to your liking

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Wasabi/shredded nori/goma/poached egg etc, Also to your liking

Start by making your dipping sauce/soup. Boil about 1 1/2 cup of water and add the mix for your konbu/katsuo dashi soup stock, or if you have already made soup stock boil that.

When your soup starts boiling, add your tablespoons of mirin and soy sauce. If you feel like you'd like a stronger, saltier soup, add another tbs of soy sauce. Taste your soup, and remove from heat so it cools while your noodles cook.

Cook your udon according to package directions, then rinse with cold water until chilled. Also, add a few ice cubes to your soup stock to chill it.

Udon cooking

Soy sauce and mirin

Chop up and prepare your garnishes as your like.

Lastly, serve up your chilled noodles and soup, topped up with your favourite toppings in your favourite bowl! Most people serve their soup as a dipping sauce and actually dip their soba or udon in it, but you of course don't have to. It's your meal after all, ne?